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BLACKPOOL - into the night - £125


We’ll meet at the Central Pier at 3:00 p.m. and after a short introduction we’ll head off to photograph the wonders of Blackpool on an outgoing tide; if we’re lucky, there’ll be a spectacular Sunset too (5:50pm) by which time we’ll be on the beach itself around the Central pier. We can then frame the Pier against the colourful lights of Blackpool, before heading back onto the prom for some night-time shots, including Trams as blurred light-trails. By 10:00 p.m. you’re welcome to call it a day and leave, or stay as long as you like, maybe even for a final fish & chips, or a pint

There are numerous car parks in & around Blackpool, but any near the Central pier will be fine

WHAT TO BRING… something like a 24-70mm (on full-frame, so around 17-55mm on a 1.5x crop sensor) is fine; but anything wider or more powerful will have its moments. If you’d like to shoot as a walkabout later, after dark, then a 35mm or 50mm at f1.8 or faster is ideal. If there’s even a hint of a breeze then I urge you to NOT change lenses on or near the beach, that sand can be a ‘killer’, so pick the most suitable lens at home or in the car. Any changes should ideally be done in a cafe etc.

Obviously a tripod for those Long Exposure and Fine Art type shots, and any FULL ND filters if you have them; suitable clothing inc. waterproofs, boots or wellies too


16 March

DERWENTWATER, Keswick - into the Sunset - £135